The Om Namaste scarf is part of our Spiritual collection. Every element of this saffron wrap holds significance. Limited Supply
~ There are 108 'Om' symbols on the scarf, this holds high significance in Hindu scriptures. It is a powerful number and it is directly connected with the cosmic energy and the supreme power.
~The saffron shade is the most sacred color for Hindus. It represents the fire that burns the impurities and cleanses itself in the process. Many sages who have renounced the world dress in saffron.
~ On the border you will see 'Namaste' and its meaning, 'I bow to the Divinity that I see in you' is on the other side.
Om Namaste
SKU: 632835642834572
Excluding Sales Tax
~Imported soft Modal (breathable fabric)
~25 x 72 inches